How to Tag resources for AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP)

Dmytro Vedetskyi
3 min readOct 15, 2023



The AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) is designed to assist organizations in migrating to the AWS cloud efficiently and effectively. While AWS Partners can play a crucial role in facilitating and implementing migrations, participation in the AWS MAP is not limited exclusively to AWS Partners. AWS MAP is primarily tailored for larger-scale migrations and enterprises with complex migration needs. Here’s an extended perspective:

AWS Partners: AWS Partners, including Consulting and Technology Partners, often collaborate with AWS customers to deliver migration services. They can engage with AWS MAP to support customers in their migration journeys, leveraging the program’s resources, expertise, and tools.

Enterprise Organizations: Enterprise customers embarking on extensive migration projects may also engage directly with AWS to participate in the AWS MAP. This enables them to access AWS MAP resources and AWS’s expertise to accelerate their migrations.

Tagging is a crucial aspect of the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) process, and its implementation should be an integral part of the migration scope. AWS mandates tagging for resources, making it an essential practice for tracking and managing resources effectively during the migration journey.

How to setup

  1. Activate tags key in AWS WEB Console Billing->Cost allocation tags

2. Go to Resource Groups & Tag Editor section

When you work with an AWS Partner or utilize AWS MAP for large-scale migrations, you can establish a tagging strategy that includes special tags such as “map-migrated” to track and categorize resources effectively. These tags can be consistently applied to all migrated resources, and AWS Partners can help facilitate this process. map-migrated tagID provides by AWS Partner.

Once all resources are tagged, AWS gains visibility into the resources that were migrated as part of the AWS MAP program. This enhanced visibility streamlines resource management and oversight.


Accelerated Migrations: AWS MAP accelerates the migration process, reducing the time required to move workloads to AWS.

Optimized Migrations: By leveraging AWS’s best practices and expertise, participants can optimize their infrastructure and operations during the migration.

Cost Management: The program assists in cost management, helping organizations predict and control expenses.

While AWS Partners often act as facilitators for AWS MAP, the program is open to direct engagement by enterprise organizations with complex migration needs. It’s essential for organizations to assess their specific migration requirements and determine whether engaging with AWS directly through AWS MAP or working with an AWS Partner is the most suitable approach for their migration journey. Both options provide access to valuable resources and expertise to ensure successful migrations to the AWS cloud.


